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Showing a Video During a Presentation: Best Practices

It just sounds simple. When presenting online, it becomes a challenge. A few weeks ago I participated in a fascinating online presentation by sound artist Meira Asher. Although it is not the topic of this post, I warmly recommend you find out more about this multi-talented woman, a human rights activist, and a researcher in the fields of Social Documentary and the Amplification of the Human...

Webinar or Meeting? — How to conduct a successful film Q&A

The healthy path to decision-making The instructional part of introducing our platform for virtual film screenings and Q&A to clients is always divided to two: The technical part and the conceptual part.The technical part is usually the easiest. What is not clarified in a demo, will be better understood with documentation and practice. After some time, everyone will get the hang of it.The conceptual part is more tricky. Not only because there...

My First Virtual Film Festival

Insights from the tech guy In early March 2020, we started our platform for screening films and meeting filmmakers. Note that I wrote started and not launched. Launching is usually done after a long preparation and is well planned, while we had to react swiftly to any unexpected event (COVID-19). In addition, since we started, we don’t stop introducing new features, improving existing ones, and learning from mistakes...

Balancing Between Film Copyright Protection and User Experience

Does security have to be inconvenient? GoldPhone /Wikipedia You’re a filmmaker or a film distributor. You want to protect your film. That’s obvious. At the same time, you want to expose your creation to as many people as possible. At least most artists want that.So far so good. But there’s a catch: The more you protect your film (online), the worse the user experience will get. The latter is not...

Solving Timing Dilemmas in Online Film Screening Events

It’s all about balancing and coordinating time frames After close to 100 online film screenings in a record time of 4 months, which included developing and pushing new features in parallel, I can testify that the pandemic has served us as a large playing field.We summarised every single screening, trying to extract insights, refine, and improve. I decided to attend every screening and personally provide support to...


That blog is more about concept than just technology.
Following the “They ask, you answer” approach, we share the experience gained in hundreds of screenings and Q&A sessions, in an attempt to offer you insightful solutions.